Social Media App

I developed an exclusive Social Media Web Application tailored for users with physical impairments. The app features advanced speech recognition technology, empowering users to sign in, send messages, add posts, and log out using their voices. Additionally, they can also opt for mouse/keyboard input. By harnessing the power of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and PHP, this platform creates an all-encompassing and captivating experience for every user.

4. Iterative Development and User Testing:

- A series of iterations and comprehensive usability testing involved a diverse user group, including individuals with physical impairments.

- User feedback was meticulously incorporated, refining the speech recognition system and overall usability.


This project delves into the development of a groundbreaking web application enriched with speech recognition, created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Embracing a User-Centered Design (UCD) methodology, the focus was on fostering inclusivity and user-friendliness for all, irrespective of physical impairments. The study outlines the successful implementation of speech commands, leading to a highly accessible and intuitive user experience.

Research and Empathy-Driven Approach:

User research became the cornerstone of this project through empathetic techniques like user interviews, surveys, and accessibility evaluations, I was able to gain valuable insights into diverse user needs and pain points.

Design and Implementation:

1. Seamless Speech Recognition Integration:

- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were harnessed to flawlessly integrate speech recognition into the web application.

- Rigorous testing and optimisation ensured accurate voice-to-text conversion and precise recognition of voice commands.

2. Inclusive Interface Design:

- The application's interface prioritised simplicity, facilitating effortless navigation and interaction.

- Thoughtfully-designed visual cues guided users through the speech interactions, ensuring clarity.

3. Accessibility at the Core:

- The application catered to users with and without physical impairments.

- In addition to speech commands, keyboard shortcuts and alternative input methods were provided for comprehensive inclusivity.


The web application's speech recognition feature achieved resounding success among all users:

1. Enhanced Accessibility:

- Users with physical impairments found the speech commands highly intuitive and efficient, reducing reliance on conventional input methods.

- Voice interactions streamlined navigation and interaction, fostering a more inclusive user experience.

2. User-Friendly and Inclusive Design:

- Users without physical impairments also embraced the convenience and seamlessness of speech recognition.

- The web application's user-friendly interface, combined with intuitive voice commands, garnered widespread user satisfaction.


By adopting a User-Centered Design (UCD) approach and leveraging HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the speech-enabled web application successfully empowered users with and without physical impairments.

The integration of speech recognition facilitated a more accessible and intuitive user experience, illustrating the transformative potential of UX design in promoting inclusivity and ease of use for all users.